Friday, March 14, 2025


I recently noticed a pattern between Spanish and Italian. If a Spanish word contains a J following a vowel, it may have an Italian counterpart which has GLI instead. I've found only a few such couplets so far but still, a nice little tool.

paja > paglia, straw

mejor > meglio, better

conejo > coniglio, rabbit

bagaje >bagaglio, baggage

Monday, March 10, 2025

West Germany, 1980s

 1/48 Italeri kit presented as a sorta F-4G Phantom in my own version of the TAC Euro 1 camo scheme. Colors based on the palette shown in the Milspec decal package for this plane, I thought the tones were a bit more lively than what I'd seen elsewhere. Colors hand-mixed using craftstore acrylics, then hand-painted over hardware store primer. Uneven final colors due to applying assorted shades of dry pastels. I have never liked the look of the Phantom's 20mm nose cannon, so I left it off. Good riddance.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

West Germany, late '70s

 Usual finish of handpainted craftstore acrylics and dry pastels. Moss groundcover from the roof gutter. I bought these kits about 50 years ago, took me this long to think of a diorama for them.