The Wednesday Sunday School year is over until regular school starts up next August.
I flipped through my class notes and Bible (is that possible, to flip through a Bible?) and here are most, maybe all, of the stories I use in our 30 sessions. 'Story' being a broad term, since Levitical sacrifice, e.g., isn't a story per se. Lots of other bits and verses are also used, but only briefly, and usually to add to one of these stories.
Creation: each successive day/ higher life forms >Hebrew, Shabbat, why did God rest, cui bono? >Hebrew Adam/ Adama > Adam's authority/ dominion over animals shown by naming them, but not eating them. >Rib-bone vs. toe-bone vs. heart >Eve is God's last (best?) creation > creation before sin >friendship with God
The Fall: everybody thinks they know better than God >creation messed up by sin: death, tornadoes, germs, you name it >driven out of Eden, physical separation from God.
Noah, the Ark: eating meat >40 >morality after the Fall >see Lent and Meat
Abraham, Sara, Isaac and the Ram: marriage >miraculous conception >children >laughter >firstborn sacrifice >substitution
Isaac, Jacob & Esau: the permanence of laying of hands >see Yet another dose of the Holy Spirit?
Moses: Burning Bush >showing respect
Moses: Plagues, Passover (Pesach) Pharaoh/ Egyptian/ Hebrew Big House >killing & eating Paschal Lamb >sprinkling blood >see Big House
Moses: Manna, Water from the Rock >physical conduits of God's power >40 > see Wednesday Sunday School
Moses: Golden Calf, Decalogue >40 > Egyptian false gods >idols vs. icons
Moses: Levitical Sacrifices >sprinkling blood on the people >hyssop >sprinkling water in Ezekiel >sprinkling water at Mass (Asperges) >blood and water >atonement vs. forgiveness
David & Saul: Psalms >Envy
David, Bathsheba, Uriah, Nathan, Solomon: chastity >fidelity >aural confession & absolution >atonement vs. forgiveness >see David & Nathan
Solomon, Bathsheba, Abishag, Adonijah: Mother's intercession
Elijah cloaking Elisha, crossing the Jordan, fiery chariot: physical media of divine power >body & soul not separated >Ascension >Assumption >see Wednesday Sunday School
Elisha and Naaman: baptism >physical media >Gentile healing
Elisha's bones: physical media of divine power >relics >saints
Isaiah: unclean lips, etc., >sin purged by fire >Purgatory
Isaiah: Shebna & Eliakim >authority of office >Jesus & Peter
Isaiah: the feast for all nations >Chosen people vs. Gentiles >Wedding feast of the Lamb
Ezekiel: I will sprinkle you, etc. >baptism >change of heart >sprinkling vs. immersion > sprinkling water vs. blood
Annunciation: free will >miraculous conception >Mary and Eve >Isaiah: virgin >Hail Mary prayer
Visitation: miraculous conception >Sara >leaping John >abortion >Hail Mary prayer
Nativity, Magi, Herod >Chosen people vs. Gentiles >gifts >refuge in Egypt >Isaiah >see: Christmas Party!
Cana: marriage >wedding feast >Mother's intercession > 4th commandment >wine miracle >best for last >abundance >alcohol
John the Baptist: baptism of repentance >drowning/cleansing >Isaiah >Lamb of God >Trinity >Jesus- a sinner? >40
Salome: marriage >chastity
Rich Young Man: decalogue >materialism >Jesus loved
Mt 25 Judgement of nations through least of my brothers: Jesus judges by works >see Jesus in fellow man >body/soul/faith/works
Heal paralytic: action required, not just faith > sin and illness >intercession >authority >forgiving sin > see Dat ain't God
Heal blind man, clay, Pharisees: healing through physical media >obstinate pride >pride/blind/humble >see Dat ain't God
Heal centurion's servant, Jairus' daughter, demon-possessed son: healing through intercession >action required, not just faith >Mass (I am not worthy...) >see Mass Density (Mass, not mass)
Woman w/ hemorrhage: healing through physical media >action required, not just faith
Render to Caesar: legitimate authority
Loaves & Fishes through Bread of Life: delegated authority of apostles > eating flesh & blood >Mass >faith vs. understanding >see Don't Reach...Ask!
Wedding Feast parable: Revelations Wedding Feast of the Lamb > proper attire >Chosen people vs. Gentiles >see
Heal on Sabbath/ Rub grain on Sabbath: cui bono Sabbath?
Prodigal Son: repentance >selfishness >confession >forgiveness >happiness >Rembrandt
The Two Sons: faith & works
Last Supper: old & new Passover meal >Bread of Life discourse > Melchizedek >Mass
Gethsemane: prayers answered, sometimes God's answer is no.
Arrest thru Crucifixion: Peter breaks oral contract, denies 3x >Lamb >broken bones >blood & water >hyssop >Good Thief
Resurrection up to Ascension: Anastasis >Sheol >faith & doubt >apostles receive Holy Spirit, authorized to forgive/ retain sins >confession >Jesus in & out of time >explains OT to apostles >restore oral contract 3x love/feed sheep >see Anastasis
Ascension >Second Coming >Assumption >Elijah >Enoch >Jesus physically in Heaven
Replacing Judas with Matthias, Acts 13 hands laid on Paul, 2Tim Paul's hands laid on Timothy: authority physically transmitted >Isaac and Jacob >bishops
Acts: episkopos, presbuteros, diakonos: papa >hierarchy >office >authority >see Bishops and Telescopes
Acts: Paul healing through facecloths & aprons >faith & works >healing through physical media >relics >see: Let's Get Physical
Paul discussing burning away of dross: works >Purgatory >Malachi 3 purifying fire >Isaiah
James: body & soul/faith & works >dead faith
1John: spirit, blood, water > baptism >Paschal Lamb >blood & water at crucifixion
Revelations, resurrection of the dead, General Judgement, New Jerusalem >Judged by works >Pilgrims vs. nomads >pilgrim church reaches destination >no temple >restoration of status quo ante, i.e., Earthly Paradise >body & soul restored >Eden restored >Lamb's Supper >Mass >see Nomads & Revelations