A major goal of the Holy Tornado class is to show the relationship between Heavenly and Earthly worship at Mass. 90% of the visual support is drawn on the fly while reading from the Bible or the Missalette. I like to draw and talk at the same time because it's easy to maintain the kids' interest that way.
On the other hand, not everyone likes to draw. Fortunately, most catechetical stuff I like to sketch is also available as fine art; so if I (or you) wanted to skip the board & markers it'd be no problem to run the class with a handout.
As an example, have a look at this panel from Jan van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece:
Every year I use this image to discuss the Heavenly Worship outlined in Revelations and expanded upon in Eucharistic Prayer 1. Or I draw instead. But when I don't draw, this works fine. I mean, van Eyck probably spent a whole day on it, while I slap out my pictures in seconds.
As it happens, My Wife the Art Historian treats this work in her textbook [Reflections on Art, Janet LeBlanc, copyrighted]. Let's take a quick excerpted tour through the incredible Biblical and Catholic content of the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (1432):
"As noted earlier, the Lamb of God is Christ, whose blood was shed for the
salvation of those who follow him. He is
shown here on an altar, pouring out his blood into a chalice, thereby
representing the Holy Eucharist offered up at Mass as the perpetual sacrifice of
Christ. Two angels in the foreground
swing censers high to release the sweet-smelling smoke of incense to carry the
prayers of the faithful to heaven. The
angels with censers are straight from the Book of Revelation, where they stand
before the throne of God as angels sing Holy Holy Holy. The Mass therefore echoes on earth what is
happening forever in heaven. The altar
is surrounded by a host of angels. Four
angels toward the back hold the instruments of the Passion, reminders of the
means by which Christ was tortured and offered himself in sacrifice. On the left, one angel holds a large cross,
and in his hand we see the crown of thorns.
Next to him in an angel holding the nails used to hang Christ on the
cross, and in the other hand this angel has the lance used to pierce Christ’s
side. Across from them an angel steadies
a column to remind us of Christ’s flagellation where he was whipped, and another
angel holds the whip, and also a very tall pole with a sponge on top. This last object is a curious inclusion, but
we will see it again. It’s the hyssop
branch that was used to raise the wine to Christ’s lips during the Crucifixion,
as described in the Gospel of John, and after drinking from the sponge, Christ
said, ‘it is finished’ and he died.
This last object is not a means of torture like the
others, but rather a critical component in understanding the Eucharist, which,
after all, is the primary theme of this altarpiece. The institution of the Eucharist in the
Bible begins at the Last Supper, which is accepted as the Passover Seder
(feast). Passover, in turn, is the
Jewish memorial to the original pass over in Egypt during the days of Moses (see
Exodus chapter 12). After ten plagues
were sent by God to persuade the pharaoh to let the Hebrews go free, God sent
one last devastating blow; he killed all the firstborn across the land. The Jews were instructed that to have the
hand of death pass over them and spare them, they were to slaughter a perfect
lamb, they are use a hyssop branch to spread his blood above their doorpost, and
then to prepare and eat the lamb. God
was quite specific spelling out the details.
In the Upper Room at the Last Supper, Jesus blessed the bread and stated
that it was his body, which they must eat, and blessing the cup of wine, he
claimed it was his blood which they must drink.
Passover Seders according to the haggadah (the “program” for a Seder) of
Jesus’ time passed the cup four times among the participants as they recited the
Scripture accounts of the passover in Egypt from Exodus 12. The first part of the Seder was a festival
blessing over the first cup of wine, which was served with bitter herbs. The second cup was blessed and passed after
reciting the Passover narrative from Exodus and singing Psalm 113 (the Little
Hallel). The third cup was the “cup of
blessing” which followed the main meal of unleavened bread and lamb, which was
followed by singing the Great Hallel which included the hymns of Psalms 114
through 118, and finally the fourth cup of wine was shared to end the
In the Gospels, the account of the Last Supper comes in
with the third cup. Jesus blesses the
bread, which is part of the main meal, then blesses the wine. Afterward they sing a hymn (the Great
Hallel), but there is no mention of them completing the passover with the fourth
cup. In fact before the great hymn,
Christ says specifically that he will not taste the fruit of the vine again
until he comes into his kingdom. It is
not until the moment of his imminent death that Christ accepts the wine lifted
up to him on a sponge, and at that moment he proclaims that “it is
finished.” What is finished is the
Passover, and with it the institution of the Eucharist and the New
Below the altar of the lamb in the picture we find a
rather interesting fountain spouting water from ten jets plus two more from the
palms of the angel atop the fountain for a total of twelve, making reference to
the twelve tribes of Israel as well as the twelve Apostles. The fountain itself is the fountain of life
through baptism, and you may notice there is a small tap at the base of the
fountain pool allowing the living water to stream out toward the viewer.
Surrounding this inner scene are several distinct groups
of people, all humbled in the presence of the lamb and paying him homage. On
the left in the foreground are Old Testament prophets and patriarchs witnessing
the lamb’s sacrifice with reverence.
Many hold their books in which they prophesied the coming Messiah. Behind them are pagans who lived their lives
in pursuit of truth and who many believe anticipated Christianity, among them
the great poet, Virgil, who can be singled out in his white robes wearing a
laurel wreath on his head.
On the right are the kneeling Apostles dressed in beige
robes. Without attributes it is
impossible to tell one from another, except John the Evangelist who is
clean-shaven. Curiously, if you count
them you will come up with thirteen.
Saint Paul is included here (see the bald guy in the back) and either his
sidekick Barnabus was included, or more likely Matthias, the Apostle chosen
replaced Judas Iscariot. Behind them are
their successors through Apostolic Succession, the leaders of the Church,
dressed in red robes to indicate that all those present here were martyred. First we see three popes; note their papal
tiaras of the same style that the Lord wears above in heaven. Then in the second row we see a couple monks
with their heads shaved in tonsure, and several bishops with their tall pointy
miters. Further back stream a host of
others not specifically identified as
Moving to the background, on the left we see more
clergymen, bishops in their miters, and cardinals in their wide-brimmed red hats
called galeros.
Again we see monks sprinkled in among them. These men are dressed in blue to connote they
did not die a martyr’s death. Opposite
them on the right are the Virgin Martyrs waving their palm fronds, symbols of
their martyrdom. The four in front are
all identifiable by their attributes (or at least three of them are). Furthest away is Saint Agnes in the red
skirt, who cuddles her lamb, and next to her is Saint Barbara who holds her
attribute, a tower. Next is supposedly
Saint Catherine of Alexandria according to some scholars, but she should have a
wheel which is her attribute, and I for one do not see it there, but it could
have been lost in repainting and cleaning over the centuries. Other scholars have suggested that it is
Saint Ursula, but I cannot find her attribute of an arrow either, so who
knows? Last is Saint Dorothy with her
attribute basket of roses. A magnificent
distant landscape spans the entire center panel. The city on the right behind the female
martyrs in particular is believed by many to be the artist’s vision of the New
Jerusalem as it is composed entirely of Churches." (copyright 2012, Reflections on Art, Janet LeBlanc. All rights reserved.)
This image has more content than I have time for in my 6th-grade syllabus. Regardless, the kids love to take a few minutes figuring out who and what everything is, with help from me only as required.
On the other hand, a blow-up of the center is just right for my lesson plan's pacing and focus:
This is the essence of my Heavenly Liturgy sketch. And again, if the goal is to show the fusion of Heaven & Earth at Mass, the above detail would go well with Ariel Agemian's evergreen image of the Liturgy on Earth:
Someday I may butt them like so on lettersize (but match widths)...
And a great handout for the parents as well.